Each target audience requires a different approach. Positioning involves making strategic choices that allow you to use your time and money efficiently.
Every brand needs a strategic foundation in which its unique character can thrive. We support you in building your brand through three pillars: .
Your brand needs a face! Design is about visually conveying your brand message that aligns perfectly with its identity and positioning.
Bringing your brand to life physically and online? We ensure that the message and the resources come together in the right way and drive action!
'The collaboration with Alterego is/went smoothly! In addition to being accurate, they are also flexible and professional! We have direct contact with the project manager and the person who carries out the work (short lines), so we have immediate clarity and the result is impressive! We have had our brochure, website, wholesale packaging, retail packaging and logos adjusted! A year later and we are currently working on other fun projects! To be continued...'
'The first thing that comes to mind when I think back to the collaboration with Alterego are the creative, friendly, positive but above all innovative people who work there. Fast communication, short lines, out of the box ideas (yet in line with our organization). Working with such an involved party made the assignment extra fun for us! From moment one, Alterego understood exactly which way we wanted to go with our new concept for our new 'working at' site. During this entire process, communication was excellent, she switched quickly with us and they came up with great and creative ideas.'
'For more than 15 years we have been working with Alterego Marketing for our dressage stable and our new foal rearing stable, the result has always exceeded our expectations and always meets our wishes.'
'Bold, striking and above all beautiful'. That is how I characterize the end result that Alterego has made for us. The assignment was to create an image for our new secondment & recruitment company. This goes beyond a house style, but continues in all communication. An important factor is of course that it suits you and feels good. And that worked out very well. We are therefore more than satisfied with the collaboration between Talent Providers and Alterego.
In 2019 is een intensieve samenwerking ontstaan tussen Alterego en Farm Frites met als doel een visuele identiteit te ontwikkelen voor de Expert lijn. Inmiddels zijn we met een volledige verpakkingslijn aan de slag. Samenwerken met Alterego is voor ons een hele prettige ervaring. Ze zijn geduldig, vindingrijk en klantgericht. Alterego ontzorgt ons door strakke planning en goede communicatie. Een fijne nieuwe partner met wie we mooie opdrachten tot een goed einde gaan brengen!
Het is fijn samenwerken met Alterego, snel, doeltreffend, no-nonsense en met kennis van zaken. Ze zijn in staat vage, nog niet geheel vast omlijnde klantwensen om te zetten in concrete formuleringen en moderne vormgeving. IcomNathist heeft nu een heel mooie website met uitstraling, we zijn meer dan tevreden!